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Contents insurance

Comprehensive Contents Insurance Quote For Apartments, Units, Villas and Townhouses

Covering your fixed and portable possessions from theft, accidental or malicious damage, water damage, fire and storms. Covers legal liability too.

What is Contents Insurance?

Contents insurance is essential if you live in an apartment, unit, villa, or townhouse, as residential strata insurance only covers the building structure, not your personal belongings. Contents insurance protects your personal property, including clothing, phones, jewellery, furniture, TV, computers, internal carpets, blinds and electrical appliances, from theft, damage, and loss.

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What is Included in our Contents Insurance Policy?

CHU is one of Australia's largest and most awarded insurance underwriting agencies who specialises in providing comprehensive insurance that is tailored specifically for strata properties like apartments, units, villas and townhouses. CHU protects almost 1 million properties across Australia. 

Unlike other companies CHU offers automatic inclusions other insurers may charge as ‘optional extras’.

Automatic inclusions Basic Cover Premier Cover
Contents – Covers your personal possessions from malicious damage, theft, water, fire and storm damage with new for old replacement. Up to $200,000

$50,000 - $200,000

+ Accidental Damage and Loss

Portable Contents – Protecting your smartphone, jewellery and other prized possessions when they are away from your property, in transit, storage or when you are moving into or out of your home. Protection across: Motel, hotel or club; Nursing home, hospice or hospital; Australian bank safe; Temporarily in transit; Another person’s home you’re living in (excluding high risk items) Everything in basic plus: Across Australia and New Zealand; Anywhere in the world (up to 90 consecutive days)
Jewellery, Watches $1,500 per item, maximum of $7,500 $5,000 per item, maximum of $25,000
Entertainment equipment 10% of the total sum insured for all items 10% of the total sum insured for all items
Portable entertainment equipment $1,500 per item, maximum of $5,000 $5,000 per item, maximum of $25,000
CDs, DVDs, electronic games media and digital media files $3,000 in total $5,000 per item, maximum of $25,000
Portable musical instruments $1,500 in total $25,000 in total
Tools of trade $1,500 in total $2,500 in total
Works of art, pictures, tapestries, rugs, antiques, collections of any kind, computer equipment $5,000 per item, maximum of $10,000 $10,000 per item up to maximum of $40,000
Collections of any kind $5,000 per collection, maximum of $10,000 $10,000 per item up to maximum of $40,000
Computer equipment $5,000 in total $10,000 per item up to maximum of $40,000
Photographic equipment $1,500 in total $5,000 per item, maximum of $25,000
Curios, gold or silver articles (but not bullion) $1000 per item, maximum of $5,000 $5,000 per item, maximum of $25,000
Documents $500 per item, maximum of $1,500 $2,000 per item up to maximum of $5,000
Bicycles $1,500 per bicycle, maximum of $2,500 $5,000 per bicycle, maximum of $25,000
Cash, bullion or negotiable securities Up to 1% of your sum insured, max $500 Up to 1% of your sum insured, max $1,500

Standard Benefits Across Both Covers

  • Legal liability: $30m to protect you from death or injury to other people who are on your property and loss or damage to someone else’s property
  • Essential temporary repairs: Up to $500 to repair insured items
  • Motor burnout: Up to $2,000 to repair or replace the motor of household equipment and appliances less than 10 years old
  • Reinstate landscaping: Up to $1,000 to fix up your garden
  • External door locks replacement: Up to $500 to re-key or replace external locks in your home unit if keys are stolen
  • Accommodation costs: Up to 12 months accommodation from the time of damage to your home
PLUS your policy comes with:
  • 21 day cooling off period should you change your mind
  • 24/7 claims service and support with emergency assistance

Portable Contents Insurance

CHU’s Contents Insurance Basic Cover automatically includes cover for items such as jewellery, portable entertainment equipment and more up to pre-determined sub-limits. For customers seeking additional protection, they can consider increasing these limits by purchasing Premier Cover or alternatively, purchase the optional Specified Portable Contents Benefit.

Why You Need Contents Insurance When Living In a Strata Unit

Apartment Contents insurance is crucial for those living in apartments, units, villas or even townhouses, because strata insurance only covers the building structure, leaving your personal belongings unprotected. Without contents insurance, the financial burden of replacing or repairing your fixed and portable possession items falls entirely on you. By securing contents insurance, you ensure that your valuable possessions and portable items are safeguarded, providing peace of mind and financial security in case of unexpected events.

Based on our industry experience here are the most common claim types we are dealing with:

  • Most common claim type – water damage

    After a hail storm, water leaks through a broken window and roof damaging your bed, carpet and television. The estimated damage is $7,000. Your CHU Contents Insurance policy covers replacement or repair of your damaged personal possessions.

    If a valid claim is also submitted by your body corporate/ owners corporation for your building on a CHU Residential Strata Insurance Plan for the same incident, then your $500 contents insurance excess is waived.

  • Most expensive claim type – legal liability

    A tradesperson slips on a mat and falls inside your apartment, hurting their ankle, back and hand. X-rays confirm fractures resulting in time off work.

    The tradesperson seeks damages from you for medical treatment and loss of earnings. Your CHU Contents Insurance covers you for the cost of defending the claim and also the legal liability.

Why Choose CHU?

Icon Cover for your building and common area contents
Over 1 million properties protected

We are strata specialists, organising the insurance for almost 1 million apartments, units and townhouses across Australia.

Icon Award winning
Multi Award Winning

Awards include ANZIIF Underwriting Agency of the Year Award 2017 – 2018 , 2021, 2022 and 2023. Insurance Business Australia Underwriting Agency of the year 2021, 2022. Claims Team of the Year 2024.

icon 24hr2x v2
24/7 Claims Process and Emergency Hotline

When you need help the most CHU’s claim process strives to be quick and accessible.

Multi-Award Winning Insurance

CHU are multi-award winners: Awards include ANZIIF Underwriting Agency of the Year Award 2017 – 2018 , 2021, 2022 and 2023. Insurance Business Australia Underwriting Agency of the year 2021, 2022. Claims Team of the Year 2024.

The difference between strata insurance and contents insurance for strata properties

Strata insurance, also known as building insurance, is typically arranged by the owners' corporation and covers the common property and structural aspects of the building, such as the roof, walls, elevators, and shared facilities. It ensures that any damage to the building itself or common areas is repaired or replaced. 

Contents insurance is the responsibility of individual residents and specifically protects their personal belongings within their strata property. This includes items like furniture, electronics, clothing, and other valuables. 

While strata insurance safeguards the building's integrity, getting a contents insurance quote ensures that residents' personal belongings are protected from risks like theft, accidental damage, and natural disasters.

The below diagram shows what is covered by residential strata insurance and by CHU Contents Insurance. 

Content insurance covers.

Important Documents and Forms

Name Link

PDS and policy wording for policies effective from 1st December 2022


Key Fact sheet
Should be read in conjunction with latest Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording.


Summary of key changes
Outlines key policy changes, and should be read in conjunction with latest Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording.


Target Market Determination (TMD)
Target Market Determination is a document that describes who the product is appropriate for (target market), and any conditions around how the product can be distributed to customers.


PDS and policy wording for policies effective between 1st July 2019 - 30th November 2022


Key Fact sheet
Should be read in conjunction with latest Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording.


Contents Insurance for Strata Flyer
Should be read in conjunction with latest Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording.


Frequently asked questions

  • What is CHU Contents Insurance and do I need it?

    What is CHU Contents Insurance and do I need it?

    CHU Contents Insurance is insurance cover for household and personal possessions such as clothing, jewellery, furniture, TV, computers, internal carpets, blinds and electrical appliances belonging to yourself and your family members. It is important as it covers the financial cost of repairing or replacing your household and personal possessions in the event of loss or damage.

  • Do I need Contents Insurance when my building has Strata Insurance?

    Do I need Contents Insurance when my building has Strata Insurance?

    Yes, Residential Strata Insurance only provides general insurance cover for the building, common area contents and shared property. The cover provided by the Strata Building policy ends when you cross the threshold of your individual property. A separate Contents Insurance policy is required to protect your personal possessions.

  • What is a Strata property?

    What is a Strata property?

    A strata scheme is a building or collection of buildings that has been divided into ‘lots’ and common property. Lots are individual units, flats, apartments, townhouses, villas or duplexes. Common Property is the shared items in scheme such as common stairwells, driveways, visitor parking, roofs, gardens, lifts, gyms, pool etc. Strata living can provide a friendly community-style environment but differs from living in a freestanding house.

  • What is Contents Insurance Premier Coverage?

    What is Contents Insurance Premier Coverage? 

    In addition to our standard inclusions, under premier cover you will cover for Accidental loss or damage to your items, higher limits of cover for high risk items, cover for your items anywhere in Australia and New Zealand as well as Worldwide cover for your items for up to 90 consecutive days. (exclusions may apply for high risk items, please contact us to ensure portable cover is available for your specified items)  

  • Do I need to specify an individual item?

    Do I need to specify an individual item? 

    If an Item falls into our high-risk category, we will pay no more than the limit set out in your policy schedule unless you otherwise specify the item. Any other personal possessions will be automatically covered up to your contents sum provided, without any need to specify the item. Please review our Contents PDS for a list of our high risk categories and their limits, or call our customer service team for further information. Click on the chat bubble at the bottom right of your screen to send us a Live Chat.

  • I am moving to another strata property – can I alter my insured address?

    I am moving to another strata property – can I alter my insured address? 

    Please contact our team to let us know and we can change details or organise a new quote and cancel your current policy. 

  • Can I cancel my Contents Insurance at any time?

    Can I cancel my Contents Insurance at any time? 

    Yes, a refund may be available. We can also assist if you are changing this from a Content to a Landlord policy, if you are now getting tenants to occupy the residence. Just let our team know and we can help. Click on the chat bubble at the bottom right of your screen to send us a Live Chat.

  • I have a non-strata property. Can I take out a Contents policy at this address?

     I have a non-strata property. Can I take out a Contents policy at this address?  

    No, we currently only provide cover for strata titled properties

  • How much contents insurance do I need?

    How much contents insurance do I need?

    The amount of contents insurance you need depends on the total value of your personal possessions at their current replacement cost. It's important to ensure that your policy covers the full value so that you can replace all of your belongings in case of a total loss. Regularly updating your inventory and valuation helps maintain adequate coverage.

  • How do I determine the value of my possessions for contents insurance?

    How do I determine the value of my possessions for contents insurance?

    To determine the value of your possessions for contents insurance, create a detailed inventory of all your belongings, including descriptions, purchase dates, and costs. For more accurate valuations, consider getting appraisals for high-value items like jewelry, art, or collectibles. Update this inventory regularly and adjust your insurance coverage as necessary.

  • What exclusions should I be aware of in your contents insurance policy?

    What exclusions should I be aware of in your contents insurance policy?

    Always read our PDS to understand what contents items are covered. High-risk items may need to be specified in order to be adequately covered.

  • Does CHU’s contents insurance cover theft outside of my home?

    Does CHU’s contents insurance cover theft outside of my home?

    If you take out our premier cover, your contents items are covered anywhere in Australia or New Zealand, as well as up to 90 consecutive days worldwide.

  • Is contents insurance mandatory for renters?

    Is contents insurance mandatory for renters?

    Contents insurance is typically not mandatory for renters, but it is highly recommended to protect your belongings in case of unforeseen events. Landlords typically have insurance for the physical structure of the property, but that coverage does not extend to tenants' personal possessions.

  • What is legal liability and does Contents insurance cover it?

    What is legal liability and does Contents insurance cover it?

    Legal liability refers to your responsibility for injury or damage to others or their property. Contents insurance covers legal liability by providing financial protection if you are found liable for accidents or damage caused by you or your belongings, covering legal costs and compensation.