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CHU Builder and Restoration Panel

Restoring their property back to its original condition post flood or fire can be a challenging and stressful process for strata property owners.

CHU has created a panel of builders and restorers (CHU Builder and Restoration Panel) to ensure there is no long-term impact from the original disaster, such as mould from the water damage or smoke issues from a fire.

To be selected for CHU's panel, builders and restorers must apply via a rigorous selection process which includes a number of questions to evaluate them on how they operate, their work ethic, values and sustainable business practices. 

The benefits of using the CHU Builder and Restoration Panel :

  1. The panel helps simplify and speed up the claims process. 
  2. CHU will reimburse the panel restorer directly, taking the hassle out of owners needing to pay and seek reimbursement from CHU.
  3. The quality of the restoration work will be guaranteed by CHU.
  4. The CHU restorers will ensure the appropriate restoration work is carried out and help reduce claims costs.

The CHU Builder and Restorer Panel complements CHU’s existing loss adjuster and builder panels on specific claims, such as major water damage, fire and drug lab residue. All the restorers on this nation-wide panel are accredited by the restoration industry standards certification, IICRC. Builders and restorers work in unison with one another – speeding up the rectification process. Builders have the authority to engage with a CHU panel restorer and vice versa.

Find a Builder (Repairer)

A builder/repairer attends to damage to strata buildings affected by any claimable event under your strata policy, the builder/repairer also makes safe any urgent repairs such as making your building water tight. If you are unsure of whether to contact a Builder or Restorer please call CHU on 1300 361 263 (Broker and strata manager enquiries) or 1300 289 248 (Direct customer enquiries).

Click here to find a Builder

Find a Restorer

A restorer remediates & mitigates further losses to strata buildings affected by major water damage, fire and drug lab residue. If you are unsure of whether to contact a Builder or Restorer please call CHU on 1300 361 263.

Click here to find a Restorer