You have been directed to this page as unfortunately, we were not able to provide a quotation for a particular risk.
You may contact the Insurance Council of Australia or the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) for information about alternative insurance options, or another insurer. You can contact them as follows:
Insurance Council of Australia
PO Box R1832
Royal Exchange
Sydney NSW 2001
Ph: (02) 9253 5100; (toll free) 1300 728 228
National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA)
Level 11
20 Berry Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
Ph: (02) 9459 4300
Fax: (02) 9964 9332
Should you disagree with our decision, or you would like further information on your right to request a review, please refer to our Complaints & Dispute Resolution page for our CHU IDR process: , or contact your CHU Underwriting Agent.
Thank you for providing us this opportunity to explain the situation and we hope to be of assistance in the future.